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  The old materials from natural, it gives a clean, fresh and comfortable feeling. Therefore, whether it is wood furniture or a carved wooden ornaments, now more and more consumers of all ages. ..
DATE: 14-12-31
Rubber production has several hundred years of history, mainly used in leather industry. The main ingredients of vegetable tannin extract tannin is poly phenolic compounds in natural, with a lot of active hydroxyl and carboxyl, thus can replace phenol into some indu..
  强化木地板是消费者较为喜爱的一种地板辅材。随同大家环保意识的增强,在选购强化木地板时,已经懂得把注意力转移到耐磨转数、甲醛开释量、含水率、花色样式、规范巨细等重要质量方面上来,这固然是可喜的,阐明消费者的购物水平有了很大进步。 Aggrandizement wood floor is a floor DPM con..
DATE: 14-12-28
怎样保养地板      1.保持地板枯燥、清洗,不允许用水淋湿拖把拖地或用碱水、肥皂水擦洗,避免损坏油漆的亮光度、损坏漆膜。如遇有灰或脏可用干拖把或用拧干的湿拖把擦洗。  每月(或两个月)打一次蜡(打蜡前将水汽和污迹擦洁净)。   2.若遇暖气或其他漏水于地上..
炭化木   炭化木即碳化木   炭化木是通过炭化处理的木材,炭化,炭字下是火,望文生义,有必要满意无水,高温的条件,为维护木材强度,操控炭化进程,有必要有维护介质.   野外运用炭化木有必要满意212度炭化温度的要求.   炭化木分为外表炭化木和深度炭化木。   外表炭化木是用氧焊枪烧烤,使..
那天有个消费者想在自家的阳台上面搭个花架,问我是防腐木制造而成的花架好呢仍是防腐木制而成的花架好呢? A consumer want to take a flower on the balcony above the day, ask me is anticorrosive wood made good anticorrosive wooden flower is still a flower is good? ..
  防腐木的制成办法许多,咱们在前面几节中也简略说到过了几种办法,假如您对那些办法感到还有些不满意或许感到不合适的话,下面咱们还将会我们介绍其他的几种木材防腐的处理办法。  Way wood preservative made many in the previous sections, we briefly menti..
今天我来为大家解答一下“为何炭化在木材市场上越来越占优势” As a result of carbonized wood is the most environmentally friendly wood wood.  由于炭化木是木材中最环保的木材。 深度炭化木(6张) Carbonized w..
DATE: 14-12-23
We all know now on the market a Douglas fir carbonized wood very valuable, not carbonized wood compared to the same period, it is worth noting, carbonized wood is more likely to cause splitting in device process. Therefore, in the process of processing to minimize the us..
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