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日期:14-12-22 发布人:东立炭化木


As a result of carbonized wood is the most environmentally friendly wood wood. 



Carbonized wood in anoxic environments, the 180 ~250 degree centigrade temperature heat treatment to obtain with standard stability, corrosion and other functional improvement of wood. Carbonization wood, carbonized wood carbonized wood is through carbonization and disposal of wood, carbonized, carbon word is fire, interpret out of context, it is necessary to meet the anhydrous, high temperature conditions, in order to protect the wood strength, the carbonization process control, it is necessary to have the protective medium. Carbonized wood is the use of high temperature in does not contain any chemical agent is carried out under the condition of homogeneous charring disposal of wood, the wood surface beauty effect with dark brown, and has antiseptic and anti biological invasion role, its moisture content is low, is not easy to absorb water, stability, not deformation, material completely skim not fat overflow, good heat insulation function simple construction, easy, brushing, no special smell, is the ideal indoor and sauna bathroom decoration materials, become the new trend; the anti rotten, anti deformation cracking resistant borers, high temperature resistant function, outdoor swimming pool phenomenon ambition data has become. 

  炭化木在缺氧的环境中,经180℃~250℃温度热处置而获得的具有标准安稳、耐腐等功用改善的木材。碳化木即炭化木 炭化木是经过炭化处置的木材,炭化,炭字下是火,断章取义,有必要满足无水,高温的条件,为保护木材强度,控制炭化进程,有必要有保护介质。炭化木是在不 含任何化学剂条件下运用高温对木材进行同质炭化处置,使木材表面具有深棕色的美丽作用,并具有防腐及抗生物侵袭的作用,其含水率低、不易吸水、质料安稳、 不变形、完全脱脂不溢脂、隔热功用好、施工简略、涂刷便当、无特殊气味,是抱负的室内及桑拿浴室资料,成为卫浴装饰新的盛行趋势;其防腐朽,抗虫蛀、抗变 形开裂,耐高温功用也成为户外泳池现象的抱负资料。


  深度炭化木也称为完全炭化木、同质炭化木。是经过200度摆布的高温炭化技术处置的木材,由于其营养成分被损坏,使其具有较好的防腐防虫功用, 由于其吸水官能团半纤维素被重组,使产品具有较好的物理功用,深度炭化防腐木是实在的绿色环保产品,尽管产品具有防腐防虫功用,却不含任何有害物质,不但 提高了木材的运用寿命,而且不会在出产进程中运用进程中以及运用后的废料处置对人体、动物和环境有任何的负面影响。

  深度炭化木在欧洲有靠近十年的运用阅历,是禁用CCA防腐木材后的首要换代产品。深度炭化防腐木广泛运用于可墙板、户外地板、厨房装饰、桑那房 装饰、家私等许多方面。但不举荐运用于接触水和土壤的场合。炭化木是在不含任何化学剂条件下运用高温对木材进行同质炭化处置,使木材表面具有深棕色的美丽 作用,并具有防腐及抗生物侵袭的作用,其含水率低、不易吸水、质料安稳、不变形、完全脱脂不溢脂、隔热功用好、施工简略、涂刷便当、无特殊气味,是抱负的 室内及桑拿浴室资料,成为卫浴装饰新的盛行趋势;其防腐朽,抗虫蛀、抗变形开裂,耐高温功用也成为户外泳池现象的抱负资料。

此内容来自东立炭化木加工厂-广州炭化木:www.020dongli.com/index.php/page-160-856.html 请勿转载 为了给您更好的服务,我司可按客户要求定做加工,同时提供锯台定尺加工 定型处理 刨光处理 改性处理 色着处理 防腐处理 烘干处理 物流速运等一条龙服务!联系人:庄先生 13808817561
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