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日期:14-12-17 发布人:东立炭化木

木材在超高温处理进程中,木材组分中羟基的浓度下降,木材的吸湿性和内应力减小,然后到达增加木材的尺度安稳功能的意图;同时木材组分在超高温热处理进程 中发作了杂乱改变,木材半纤维素上等构造上的营养成份降解,从食物链这一环节上按捺菌类在木材中的生长,因而,炭化木的耐腐功能得到了进步。

Wood in the ultra high temperature treatment process, the concentration of hydroxyl groups of wood components decreased, reducing wood hygroscopicity and internal stress, and then reach the intention of wood scales smooth function increases; at the same time, wood components in super high temperature heat treatment process attack disorderly change, nutrient composition of hemicellulose degradation of wood fine structure, from the food chain in the chain is restrained fungi in wood growth, therefore, rot resistant function of carbonized wood got progress. 

此内容来自东立炭化木加工厂-广州炭化木:www.020dongli.com/index.php/page-160-853.html 请勿转载 为了给您更好的服务,我司可按客户要求定做加工,同时提供锯台定尺加工 定型处理 刨光处理 改性处理 色着处理 防腐处理 烘干处理 物流速运等一条龙服务!联系人:庄先生 13808817561
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