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日期:15-01-17 发布人:东立炭化木

 炭化木加工 家中全部深蓝色的,时刻久了,家中会无形中发作阴气沉沉,个个生性低沉,家内也欠安全。





  家中漆黄多者,心境闷忧,烦热不安,有一种说不出来得的惊、忧感受,因而使人的脑神经认识充溢着多层错觉,有的神经病者最忌此色了 。


Carbonized wood processing in the home all blue black, time is long, the home will virtually attack sullen, all is low, also owe inside the home security.

Home painting purple number, although Hong Kong is higher residence, some red series generation regret purple, announced the garish color feeling invisible, easy to make the home of people have a kind of helpless feeling.

Painted pink in the house, most big fierce color, pink is easy to make the person mood impetuous, prone to quarrel, argue dispute, quarrel frequently; especially the newlyweds, in order to regulate the boudoir atmosphere, in every lady eyes is very romantic, but, with the color of the discord, too after a period of time, two people mood will attack incredibly firelight, simple as a trivial thing cannot quarrel, finally divorced point of no return, today's society divorce rate so amazing, and this factor is also accounted for a large, so designers should be aware of, the best do not have the color, the color will also form neuropathy.

Green house paint more persons, who will also make home perseverance gradually low, not the general said, then green eyes should, in fact, refers to the nature of the green green, and not for the allocation of the green, so inevitably the formation of indoor inanimate, no vigorous.

Home Red Bulls, Chinese people always think red is a lucky color, but the South Korean customs dead top with red cloth on behalf of, these are just one day customs just, but the red series and more, to make the burden of overweight people eyes, and make the person's mood is simple impetuous, so red can only as a little part of the color match no theme, color, but the Buddhist temple and a different home.

Home paint yellow much mood frowsty care, Fanre uneasy, can not say there is a surprised, feel more sorrow, thus make the brain nerve know filled with multilayer illusion, some neuropathy most avoid this color.

Orange Red Bulls, although is full of be full of vitality, very warm feeling, but too much orange, also can make people tired of feeling.

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