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日期:15-01-02 发布人:东立炭化木


拉丁名:Diospyros spp   

材性:重量重至甚重,气干密度0.85-1.17g/cm3。心材主为黑色,边材灰白色。木材光泽强;构造细而匀;纹路直至略交织;木材枯燥艰难,枯燥时有细而深裂纹发作;心材很耐腐。锯刨等加工艰难,但加工后很亮光。 &n炭化木加工bsp;


Commonly known as: Ebony The Latin name: Diospyros spp Material: heavy to very heavy, air dry density 0.85-1.17g/cm3. Lord Black heartwood, sapwood gray white. Wood strong luster; structure and fine and even grains until slightly; interleaving; wood boring hard, boring when there is fine and deep crack attack; heartwood very resistant to rot. Sawing planing processing difficult, but after processing, very light. &n carbonized wood processing bsp; Use: suitable for the manufacture of luxury furniture, sculpture art, musical instruments and other valuable timber.

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