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日期:14-12-05 发布人:东立炭化木

为避免炭化木的氧化,使其康复吸附功用, 活化期间是全部再生技术的关键。炭化木处理有机废水后的在再生过程中, 依据加热到不同温度时有机物的改动, 使木材外表具有一层很薄的炭化层,对木材功用的改动能够类推木材的油漆。

In order to avoid oxidation of carbonized wood, make its rehabilitation adsorption function, activation period is the key to all regeneration technology. Carbonized wood processing organic wastewater after in the regeneration process, according to the change of organic matter in different heating temperature, so that the timber with a thin layer of the charring layer of paint, wood to change the function of analogy of wood.


      按使用功用分类 按使用功用分装修用炭化木,炭化木在缺氧的环境中,经180℃~250℃温度热处理而取得的具有尺寸安稳、耐腐等功用改善的木材。使其具有较好的防腐防虫功用,因为其吸水官能团半纤维素被重组,使商品具有较好的物理功用。

By the use of function classification by using the functions of decoration with carbonized wood, carbonized wood in anoxic environments, the 180 ~250 degree centigrade temperature of heat treatment and achieved stable, corrosion has a size function improvement of wood. It has a good anti-corrosion mothproof function, because its water absorption functional hemicellulose was reorganized, so that goods with better physical function.


The commodity has better physical function, but to highlight the convex and concave surfaces, wood, carbonized wood goods with anti-corrosion mothproof function, but it does not contain any harmful substances, not the use of wood life light increase, and not used in the production process during and after the waste material treatment to human body, decoration materials and the aquarium tank the finished product. First remove the evaporation component of carbonized wood.

此内容来自东立炭化木加工厂-广州炭化木:www.020dongli.com/index.php/page-160-845.html 请勿转载 为了给您更好的服务,我司可按客户要求定做加工,同时提供锯台定尺加工 定型处理 刨光处理 改性处理 色着处理 防腐处理 烘干处理 物流速运等一条龙服务!联系人:庄先生 13808817561
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