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金丝楠为何如此受欢迎 解析金丝楠木材的长处
日期:14-11-04 发布人:东立炭化木








1: corrosion resistance, buried in the ground to thousands of years to decay, so the emperor choose gold rimmed nanmu coffin.

2: insect, gold rimmed nanmu Phoebe aroma shares, ancient records of the hundred insects do not invade, Phoebe wooden cabinet storage clothing books calligraphy and painting to avoid insects, modern experiments confirmed experimentally confirmed anti corrosion nanmu wood fungus, termite, anti marine wood boring animal decay is also strong, so the Royal Book Qie bookcase fixed wire Phoebe, a very valuable books and souvenirs only need to have conditions also to do modern nanmu box, 2005 Taiwan Hu Jintao sent James Soong Song Jia genealogy is rimmed nanmu do letter box.

3: do not touch the cold winter, commonly used in manufacturing bed nanmu palace, winter is not cold, summer is not hot, not to hurt the body, and the other is does not have the excellent properties of hardwood.

4: old material asexual, is not easy to deform, rarely split. Because the texture Shun not easy deformation, not only the expansion and contraction of small and middle hardness nail holding ability is good, this about dry north is very suitable, and a pear rosewood North preserved demand under a lot of effort to crack.

5: lines of magnificent, beautiful anomaly, Phoebe wood to warm and soft, delicate texture of well-informed, new wood surface yellow with green, encounter rain announced Chen Qingxiang chen. Phoebe making objects, no hard feeling, beautiful shape, light golden announced fishes, but quiet and innocent, quiet deep.

6: the collection value, Phoebe trees are rare, is a national protected species can not be cut, and old material are pulling down the old house Temple Court income, the number is more sparse, and less and less, especially how can thousands of old real people demolition reclaimer, quantity Phoebe than pear rosewood more sparse.

7: the unique aroma, Phoebe aroma can not only mothproof, and smells can even against valuable aloes, the more the old material heavy material smell better, let's beloved items in Phoebe box the same can be smoked that fragrance.

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