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日期:14-10-21 发布人:东立炭化木


第一:炭化处置技能为纯物理木材改性技能,具有木材化学改性不行比较的环保优势,所以炭化处置技能必将成为未来木材高附加值运用和木材改性的开展方向。炭 化木是防腐、环保、安全、无污染资料,契合环保、健康日子的理念。所以,用炭化木出产的木制品或装修的别墅将越来越遭到大家的期待。

第二:炭化木赋予木材全新的功能,平衡含水率低,安稳性好,不易变形,防腐等,在枯燥的环境中不干缩,在湿润的环境中不易吸湿、不发霉生虫。炭化木应用于 家私、地板等将大大减少木制品含水率不易控制导致的质量问题,格外合适出口需求木制品含水率低的商品。因而,炭化木必将成为原生态别墅、家私、地板资料的 新宠。

Carbonized wood skills []:

The first: carbonization disposal skills is pure physical wood modification skills, with wood chemical modification can not compare the advantage of environmental protection, so the carbonization disposal skills will become the future of wood high added value application and development direction of wood modification. Carbon wood is protection, environmental protection, safety, no pollution data, accord with environmental protection, the concept of health day. Therefore, used in the manufacture of carbonized


木材在超高温处置进程中,木材组分中羟基的浓度下降,木材的吸湿性和内应力减小,然后到达增加木材的尺度安稳功能的意图;一起木材组分在超高温热处置进程 中发生了杂乱改变,木材半纤维素上等构造上的养分成份降解,从食物链这一环节上按捺菌类在木材中的成长,因而,炭化木的耐腐功能得到了提高。


经炭化的松木与云杉首要用于室表里建筑资料,如园林景观、高级小区、别墅工程;经炭化的柞木和水曲柳木材可用做室内家私、澡堂装修、木地板等资料。跟着炭 化技能的开展,一些密度较大的硬阔叶材也可用于炭化处置,以满意家私、地板等的运用需求,如榉木、榆木、红像等炭化后可用于实木复合地板的表层、实木地板 和家私。

The carbonization mechanism []:

Wood in the ultra high temperature disposal process, the concentration of hydroxyl groups of wood components decreased, reducing wood hygroscopicity and internal stress, and then reach the intention of wood scales smooth function increases; with wood components in super high temperature heat treatment process has occurred in disorderly change, nutrient component degradation of hemicellulose in wood fine structure, from the food chain in the chain is restrained fungi in wood growth, therefore, corrosion resistance


在加工进程中,因为炭化木的出产进程只涉及到水蒸汽和温度,不增加任何化学药剂,也没有增加任何外来的物质,因而,炭化木商品是适当环保和安全的一个产 品。此外,在木材的炭化进程,也赋予木材全新的特性:首要木材的外观色彩成为棕色,类似热带的硬木;其次,炭化进程也提高了木材的安稳性和耐腐性。和其他 野外木一样,炭化木在野外运用进程中,通过太阳紫外线的辐射,木材外表的色彩也变灰。为防止上述情况的发生,引荐运用专用野外木材涂料。通常会选择色彩比 炭化木本性略深一点的野外木材涂料。引荐运用半透明的木材涂料和木蜡油。

[Characteristics] carbonized wood:

In the processing process, because of the carbonized wood production process involves only water vapor and temperature, without adding any chemical reagent, also did not increase any foreign material, therefore, carbonized wood goods is a product of appropriate environmental and safety. In addition, in the carbonization process of wood, wood has also given the characteristics of new: first the appearance of the wood color is brown, similar to the tropical hardwoods; secondly, the carbonization process also increase timber stability and corrosion resistance. Like other wild wood, carbonized wood in the field use process, through the radiation of solar ultraviolet radiation, the timber color gray. In order to prevent the occurrence of the above, the recommendation for the use of the wild wood coatings. Usually the wild wood paint selection color than carbonized woody slightly darker. Recommending the use of translucent wood paint and wood

此内容来自东立炭化木加工厂-广州炭化木:www.020dongli.com/index.php/page-160-831.html 请勿转载 为了给您更好的服务,我司可按客户要求定做加工,同时提供锯台定尺加工 定型处理 刨光处理 改性处理 色着处理 防腐处理 烘干处理 物流速运等一条龙服务!联系人:庄先生 13808817561
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