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日期:14-09-12 发布人:东立炭化木


Price of carbonization wood furniture is not very, and furniture prices in General does not differ significantly.Look, although not material of modern furniture that luxury, but he showed very funky, feel closer to nature.


Modern and a lot of people are tired of the city's bustling, increasingly fond of nature's essence, so carbonized wood utensils are also slowly of the city's popular.

Carbonized wood flooring accounted for a large proportion in everyday use, in addition, carbonized wood can also be used to make other living or outdoor supplies, such as tables and chairs, pavilions, vine, decoration materials, even wooden, like is often the case in the family courtyard housing in foreign countries.Today, the home also has a growing number of people admitted to the Villa, set in their yard some carbonized wood furniture, show more simplicity, it's also a delight.

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